Stretch & Strengthen With Physiotherapy

When appropriate, a physiotherapist may teach and guide a person through stretches to relieve tightness, stiffness and pain in muscles and joints. Working towards a ‘normal’ amount of flexibility can be helpful in the recovery of ailments, management of conditions, for improved posture, balance and function.

Also, a physiotherapist may teach and guide a person through strength based exercises, sometimes utilising small pieces of equipment. Equipment can add variety, making the exercises more dynamic, fun, transferable and therefore more effective in achieving a goal. Strengthening exercises that are tailored to the specific needs of a person can be helpful for recovery from an injury, improving stamina, efficiency of movement, function, skill acquisition and mobility.

Always consult a healthcare professional or Doctor before starting a new exercise regime.


We offer community based rehab in Oxfordshire and surrounding areas. We come to you in your home, residential home or community settings such as gyms and pools.